Patient Stories

At Lower Keys Medical Center, every patient interaction is an opportunity to help someone recover from an illness, heal from an injury, or take steps toward a healthier body and better quality of life. Every patient interaction is also a story.

Michael Ruiter
Key West, FL

When Michael started having chest pains during a workout, he had no idea that he would need life-saving treatment — or that he would find it at LKMC.

Read Michael's Story

Todd Hohauser
Troy, MI

When Todd had a heart attack while vacationing in the Keys, he relied on the fast treatment, medical expertise, and caring team at LKMC — and they saved his life.

Read Todd's Story

Orlando & Suzy Dehorta
Key West, FL

No one can predict when they're going to need emergency care, but the ER team at Lower Keys Medical Center is always ready. They not only provided Orlando with the care he needed, they also helped him and his wife Susy through a scary situation.

Read Orlando and Suzy's Story